体育漫画,sports caricature英语短句,例句大全

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体育漫画,sports caricature

1)sports caricature体育漫画

1.The author investigate and analyze whether the sports caricature & sports animated cartoon is one of the factors or not,and how they affect each other.实验结果表明:初中生对体育漫画和卡通片的熟悉程度与其体育态度之间存在着较为密切的相关性。


1.Research on the Relationship of the Sports Caricature & Sports Animated Cartoon and the Middle School Students Sports Attitude;体育漫画和卡通片与初中生体育态度之关系的研究

2.Take comics for example.在此,以漫画为例具体说明。

3.Sarcasm and humor Bitter irony --Felling artistic language of caricature;寓庄于谐 一针见血——体会漫画艺术语言

4.To draw a humorous or satirical representation of; caricature.画漫画为…画一幅幽默或讽刺性的画;画漫画

5.ST: Do you follow any titles right now and if so, which ones?您目前还看其他漫画家画的漫画么?

6.In the cartoon we see a naked American citizen.在这幅漫画中,我们看到一个裸体的美国公民,

7.This painting embodies the feelings of the Romantic period.这幅画具体化地表达了浪漫时代的感情。

8.On the Innovative Education of Comic and Animation talents Training from the Angle of Comic and Animation Education;从动漫教育发展谈动画创意人才培养的创新教育

9.The Aesthetic Infiltrating Teaching Mode of Ideological and Political Theory Education for the Generation Under the Background of Animation and Cartoon;“动漫画一代”与思想政治教育的审美渗透教学模式

10.Connection of Picture Story Books with Serial Pictures, Comic Strips and Illustrations;图画故事书与插图、漫画、连环画之关系

11.The Temptation and Dread of Female Body──The Gender imagine of Dhanghai Caricature in the 1920s and 1930s女性身体的诱惑与恐惧──二三十年代上海漫画中的性别想象

12.He is a master of caricature.他是一位漫画大师。

13.He is potty about comics.他对漫画书着了迷。

14.Protesters in an Uproar over Cartoon讽刺漫画引发群众暴动


15.American political cartoonist (1840-1902).美国政治漫画家(1840-1902)。

16.The nation's cartoonists were having a field day.全国的漫画家非常得意。

17.Comics sell newspapers.漫画促进报纸的销售。

18.I found a comic book,我找到一本连环漫画册杏彩游戏平台


media comic媒体漫画

1.In the rapid development of China\'s Media Industry Today, media comic is playing an increasingly important role.媒体漫画是借助于媒体介质,以漫画的形式传播信息或评论事实,从而在幽默放松的氛围中给人以某种启迪和思考的一种漫画形式。

3)General Discussion on the Education through Woodcut漫谈"版画教育"


1.On the Psychological Causes of Appreciation of Fairy Tales Cartoons and Animated cartoons among Modern Youth;当代年轻人欣赏童话、漫画和卡通剧的心理动因

2."The beautiful new world"moves towards the cartoon from the legend,enters the animation world,again arrived the honorable person movie,the process of the movie demonstrated the French humorous with a carefully prepared visual dinner.《美丽新世界》从传奇走向漫画,走进动画世界,再到真人电影的过程展示了法兰西人用历史和幽默精心准备的视觉套餐,让世人感受到它的精彩与欢乐,品味出法兰西人特有的幽默与智慧。

1.On the Role of Japanese Culture in the Development of Caricatures;浅谈日本文化在漫画发展中的作用

2.Sarcasm and humor Bitter irony ——Felling artistic language of caricature;寓庄于谐 一针见血——体会漫画艺术语言

3.Exaggeration of features relationship and likeness optimization in caricature人脸漫画特征关系夸张及相像度优化


1.This article introduces the appellation of comics in some different countries.在考查了"漫画"一词在一些国家以及一些语言中的称谓及其意义的基础上,对"漫画"一词在不同国家的称谓可以反映该国的历史与文化,以及可以体现漫画的传播轨迹的两个意义加以说明。

2.ANPANMAN has made its nation-wide reputation as one of the most celebrated cartoon characters in Japan,and various of its related products,including comics on paper,animation on TV screen and solid commodities,can be found in most bookshops,cinemas,stores and art museums in the country.从纸面漫画到荧屏动画到实物,或者说从书店到影院到商店到美术馆,ANPANMAN的成长完美地演绎了日本动漫的发展路径:娱乐—产业—文化。

3.With the boom in recent decades of comics, more and more people are paying attention to its charm.随着近几十年来漫画热的兴起,漫画的魅力也得到了越来越多人的关注。